Labview and Matlab for PT

Just a place to discuss with Matlab and Labview


How to run matlab 7.1 on windows 7??

Recently, I have upgraded almost my computers to windows 7 except the computer in my lab. Yesterday, I installed matlab 7.1 on my desktop and found out some errors when running the program, even using the comparable mode provided by windows 7. So I find the solution on the internet and here is the solution.

The original article is from this: How To Run Matlab 7.1 On Windows 7


  1. Right Click On Desktop, choose Personalize
  2. Got to Basic and High Contrast Themes tab, and click Window Classic
  3. Now, Run matlab
  4. Finish

So, if you want to use matlab 7.1 on windows 7, you need to accept the ugly theme when running matlab program. It's also a little bit inconvenient because you have to switch the theme when running Matlab.

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